We are TDC Vellore.
At Tezos Developer's Community (TDC) Vellore, we are a vibrant, budding student-led community of Web3 enthusiasts, both students and professionals, working on and with Tezos - the futuristic blockchain.

What we do
As a child organization of Tezos India, we promote the growth and adoption of the Tezos blockchain. Boredom is our enemy! You can have all the fun through workshops, hackathons, community projects, networking sessions and other fun events!
Why join us
Interested in pursuing a career in Web3 with Tezos, or have a project to grow a community of? Or do you have, or want to grow, the skillset to manage communities? Or do you want to write/design/market for the booming Web3 industry? We're here for all of it!Try. Develop. Create.

Meet the team
Behind the scenes, these are the people at work, always looking out for feedback and new opportunities to further the cause of the community. Being students themselves, they know of the demand and opportunities of students in Web3 and Tezos!